Building RPM packages with rpmbuild, Koji, and GitLab-CI
Feb 21, 2017 The Spec File | Building and Modifying Source RPMs | InformIT Obsoletes—This lists packages that are obsoleted by this package. This is a more specific version of the Conflicts field. BuildRoot—This option instructs RPM to place files in a temporary directory during the install step. This is very useful when building packages for a distribution. building an RPM building an RPM - Getting set up. First of all, you will need to install a couple of packages: yum install rpm-build rpm-sign I have been bitten several times by not installing the "rpm-sign" package. software installation - Install RPM file on Arch Linux Arch's packages are supposed to be as close to "vanilla" as possible. Now, while you could use rpmextract or alien, there isn't really a good reason to do so. What you should do is create a PKGBUILD that uses the RPM as the source file and then installs everything that's needed where it should be in the package() function.
This chapter introduces the RPM system from the point of view of creating RPMs and demonstrates the steps and planning necessary to make your own packages. As such, this chapter introduces the RPM-building topics covered in depth in the remaining chapters in this part.
Building RPM packages as user This document explains how to build packages without root-access. This might be useful in case you have a build environment where different users need to build packages without interfering each other.
RPM Package Manager - Wikipedia
Building RPM packages from Sources. If you are running a system with RPM support, the preferred way to get Kwave on your system will be the creation and installation of a RPM package, as described in the next chapters. If you are running a Debian like system (dpkg based) Building RPM packages with mock - Packagecloud Blog May 11, 2015